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Reserve your Ticket for Lunch
It would be best to use your LMSV Google Login.

Together We Rise!

January 6th LMAAC, Parkway and Spring Valley Academies will convene at Spring Valley Academy for the LMSV Professional Development Day. The day will include one session of subject specific collaboration and 4 sessions of teacher selected sessions. The 8:00am start will allow the day to end at 3:00pm with a continental breakfast and full lunch provided. 

Set your Map for Spring Valley Academy 4023 Rogers Road.
Parking can be found behind the SVA school off of Rogers Road or at the Operations Center on Conrad Drive.
ADA Parking spots can be found in both parking lots.

8:00 - 8:20 Continental Breakfast in Quad
8:20 - 9:30 Session #1 Subject Specific
9:40 - 10:40 Session #2 Teacher Choice
10:50 - 11:50 Session #3 Teacher Choice
11:50 - 12:50 Lunch in the Quad - provided
12:50 - 1:50 Session #4 Teacher Choice
2:00 - 3:00 Session #5 Teacher Choice

Sessions will fill on a first come basis.
Use the session schedule to make selections that fit your needs.
If a session room is full, please make a new selection. 

Continental Breakfast and Coffee are provided in the Quad area.
Lunch is provided in the Quad area. 
Trolley Stop Sandwiches:
a variety of turkey, ham, and veggie (condiments will be on the side)
Pasta Trays
Green salad
gluten free sandwiches (gluten free option)
Dietary Concerns:
Lunch will be provided. We are able to accommodate vegetarian and gluten free options.
It is a one hour lunch break, attendees are welcome to get lunch on their own and return on time for the afternoon sessions. 

Be sure to sign in and complete exit tickets for your sessions to ensure your presence is noticed.
Each Session will have sign in sheets. If your name is not on the list already, feel free to add your name to the bottom. 

Groups Participating in Other Workshops:
Alternate State Testing (Examiner Training) - Staff Development Room
SLPs - STEAM Academy Multi-Purpose Room
ELOP Teachers - West Conf. Room


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